Essential? Recession Proof?

In *THIS* economy?!

Yes, luscious ass babe. That is my goal and desire for you!

If your confidence + belief in yourself, money, + the economy has been zapped over the last few years, you're not alone.

Feeling abundant in times of financial hardship or economic uncertainty can feel next to impossible at times.

Maybe you've taken some big L's this year.

Maybe you need a little refresher on feeling expansive and surpassing your limits.

You might feel overwhelmed with the woes of the world, experiencing guilt, uncertainty, + doubt around money, success, and business. 

Or perhaps you feel READY to embody the NEXT LEVEL energetics of essential + recession proof:

meaning, no matter what the fuck is happening out in the world, the economy, or in your industry, you feel equipped, supported, & magnetic, and the world rises to meet you.

Does the above make you feel skeptical and/or excited?

Then THIS is the training for you.


The Meats:


-Deconstructing and defining a recession, taking the fear + emotion out of it 


-Breaking down the Emotional + Mental Consequences of a recession 


-Framing the pandemic’s economy by comparing it to past recessions. Let’s learn from history + feel blessed to be experiencing this, at this point in time in human history. 

As hopeless as you may feel, people back in the day had it MUCH worse.


-How the economy is tied to safety, security, survival, faith, + trust


-What investing in the stock market has taught me about abundance + manifestation


-Preparing mentally + energetically for a recession so you can face uncertainty from a grounded place, becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable!


-Understanding your body responses that are triggered by stress so that you can stop the spiral!


-Releasing worries, fears, and guilt around being prosperous in a time of fiscal uncertainty 


-Bringing the feelings of Essential + Recession Proof into your body


-Full energetic embodiment of essential + recession proof


-Releasing desperation + negative anticipation to make way for abundance, certainty, and reciprocity 


-Beyond belief success + results can’t be born from logic. Belief, certainty, and abundance isn’t always logical when faced with the external world…..but it’s not IMPOSSIBLE. Let's create it.


"The energy of Essential + Recession Proof is my absolute FAVORITE video in Rebel Hearts Boss Bundle. The level of calm, serenity, and confidence that I experienced after this lesson was like a deep exhale. Thank you Lauren! I'm going to be coming back to this one throughout the year!"


My name is Lauren Allen if you don't know me.

I am a firm believer that I am given my life experiences and my unique, colorful perspective so that I can make life, growth, and transformation easy and second nature for you.

Oh yeah, and if my fuck ass can do half the shit I’ve accomplished (building a 6 figure biz while bipolar, escaping an abusive relationship at 19 and building a 6 figure stripping empire, touching thousands of lives around the world through my podcast, coaching, and courses) so can your glorious luscious babe ass.